Engaged scholarship describes scholarly activity that contributes to community engagement processes. Boyer’s 1996 iconic article introducing engaged scholarship was a rallying cry for colleges and universities to extend their scholarly pursuits to enrich the community through the scholarship of discovery, integration, sharing, and application of knowledge. Subsequently, the concept of engaged scholarship has grown to include community-based participatory research with reciprocal collaboration (Ilkeda, Sandy, & Donahue, 2010). Definitions and requirements of faculty scholarship may vary from department to department. Individual faculty should consult their departmental policies and leadership. Examples of engaged scholarship that has been favorably received on our campus include: Peer-refereed conference papers and journal articles, grants, workshops, and posters with an emphasis on community-based programs, reciprocal collaboration, and impact of community-engaged activities on those serving as well as those served.
Scholarship in SLCE
SEPA Conference
The Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) has been a staple research community for engaged scholarship around SLCE. This year, three undergraduates- Donetta Battle, Hayley Dettenmayer, Daniel Simpson – and two graduate – Michelle Brown and Ashley Burton – psychology students represented the Krause Center at SEPA’s virtual conference. Their presentations examined a range of SLCE research – from the impact of service on cadets to the effect of a heroism curriculum on at-risk youth.

and School Psychology Graduate Student

Citadel Graduate Students Sweep Top Honors at The National Youth At-Risk Conference

Student engagement is an important component in developing principled leaders and can be promoted through professional development and scholarship. Three Citadel graduate students in the School Psychology program – Nathan Adams, Sierra Heyward, Ashley Burton- and one Community Engagement Fellow at the Krause Center, Mike Akers, presented their intervention program evaluation studies at The 2020 National Youth At-Risk Conference in Savannah, Georgia.
The National Youth At-Risk Conference trains adults who serve youth to create safe, healthy, caring, and intellectually empowering educational environments that foster the well-being of all children and adolescents. This year’s convention focused on five different areas of content: Academic achievement & leadership, Social & emotional skills, Safety & violence prevention, Mental & physical health, and Family & community engagement.

Click here to view Ashley and Sierra’s winning research poster

A panel of judges reviewed all research posters and awarded Nathan and Mike 2nd place for their work, The Impact of a Heroism-Themed Outreach with Title I Elementary Students (Adams, Akers, Fernald, & Saylor, 2020). Top honors and a 1st place finish were given to Sierra and Ashley for their research on a Summer Reading Intervention with Elementary Students (Heyward, Burton, Saylor, Fernald, & Tennessee, 2020). Their award winning research can be viewed on the SLCE website (link).
Congratulations Nathan, Mike, Sierra, and Ashley!
Gulf South Summit
Gulf South Summit 2019
Service-Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education
Conference 2019 Theme:
Community Leadership: Educating the Next Generation
Research Title:
Leading and Learning: How Leader Behaviors Predict Outcomes of Service
Research Citation:
Westmoreland, K, Burton, A., & Roberts, J.R. (2019, April). Leading and Learning: How Leader Behaviors Predict Outcomes of Service. Poster session presented at the Gulf-South Summit, Huntsville, TX.

Click here to view Ms. Westmoreland’s research poster.
Southeastern Psychological Association