The Citadel was selected for 2020 Carnegie Foundation Community Engagement Classification

The Carnegie Foundation’s Elective Classification for Community Engagement is a national classification for higher education institutions with commitments in the area of community engagement.
The Carnegie classification is one of the most known and respected declarations of a university’s exemplary practices of institutionalized community engagement. The classification is not an award, it is an evidence-based affirmation of optimal institutional practices.
The Citadel has earned the classification in two consecutive cycles. We were first selected for the 2015 Community Engagement Classification when only two percent or 361 of the nation’s more than 7,000 institutions of higher learning held the classification. This year it was announced that in their re-application process, The Citadel earned the 2020 Community Engagement Classification among a list of 119 colleges and universities that received the classification out of the nation’s more than 7,000 institutions of higher education.
The Citadel and its South Carolina Corps of Cadets provided more than 35,000 hours of community service during the 2018-2019 academic year, organized through the college’s Krause Center of Leadership and Ethics and under the leadership and dedication of Dr. Conway Saylor. “Being classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a community-engaged campus is an honor few colleges achieve. The real victory though is the many students who find their calling and go on to be lifelong engaged citizens,” said Dr. Conway Saylor, Director of Service Learning and Civil Engagement at the Krause Center from 2012 to 2020.
The Carnegie application is reviewed by a National Review Panel to determine whether the campus qualifies for recognition as a community engaged institution.
The Citadel earns the 2015 Carnegie Foundation’s Community Engagement Classification
The Citadel earns the second 2020 Carnegie Foundation’s Community Engagement Classification