Active and Former Community Partners
Animal Care:
Mission-“The prevention of cruelty to animals.”

Mission- “Provides documentary photography, storytelling, collection of oral histories and real world journalism experience throughout the lowcountry.”

Mission- “Collect used bicycles & ship them to African communities in need.”

Mission- “Changing lives one bikes at a time.”

Blessed Sacrament Catholic School
Mission- “Is focused on educating each student by emphasizing our Catholic faith and upholding academic excellence through engaging the mind, challenging the body, and enlightening the soul.”

“Your child will receive a world-class education in an environment led by nurturing and caring adults.”

Mission- “Is to improve the lives of all in the Greater Charleston area by connecting individuals, families, and communities with opportunities based on Christian Values that strengthen spirit, mind, and body.”

Carolina Youth Development Center
Mission- “Is to empower and equip our community’s most vulnerable children by providing a safe environment, educational support and career readiness, in collaboration with families and community partners.”

Charleston Charter School for Math and Science (CCSMS)
Mission- “Is to educate students for success in college and careers by providing an innovative learning environment that is academically excellent, developmentally responsive, and socially equitable.”

Charleston County School District
Mission- “Is to increase student achievement overall and close the achievement gaps in order to prepare all students to compete in a global economy and make a positive contribution to our community and nation.”

Charleston Development Academy
Mission- “Is to provide a safe and nurturing environment that will encourage excellence and character-building initiatives in order to ultimately promote the personal and social development of motivated, responsible, and caring students.”

Charleston Progressive Academy
Mission- “Is to build, teach, and model educational and leadership opportunities that empower ALL students to be tomorrow’s leaders, today. We will redefine and transform how students learn through personalized learning and continuous support from all stakeholders.”

Charleston Promise Neighborhood
Mission- “Is to ensure the neighborhood is a place where residents are engaged in their community and every child is on track to graduate high school with the abilities necessary to succeed in college, the military or workforce.”

Halos Kinship Care Support Groups
Mission- “Provide support and advocacy to abused and neglected children and kinship caregivers.”

James Simons Elementary School
Mission- “To inspire students to become confident, motivated, and successful life-long learners.”

Mission- “Is to provide support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry Children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect.”

Mission- “Is to attract investment to the quiet assets that already exist within these neighborhoods.”

Mission- ” To achieve academic excellence, to develop citizenship, and to promote self-discipline in a military environment.”

Mission- “Helps build a stronger South Carolina by supporting Latino communities with education, advocacy, and leadership development.”

Pattison’s Academy (PACE Charter School)
Mission- “Is to improve the quality of life for children with multiple disabilities by providing a comprehensive education program that integrates educational curricula with functional rehabilitation.”

Sanders Clyde Elementary School
“We want our students to be problem-solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and inventors.”

Scottish Society of Charleston
Mission- “To honor and keep alive the Scottish heritage and customs in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.”

Mission- “Collects, repairs, and distributes used bicycles to people in Charleston who need affordable, reliable transportation.”

Mission- “Is to be a cohesive team that inspires and engages all students in relevant, authentic project-based learning experiences to be college and career ready while providing a culture that empowers students to take ownership of their learning. We aspire to leave a legacy that can be followed by future team members and students.”

St. Andrews Parks & Recreation
Mission- “We Enrich Lives Through Parks, Recreation, and Wellness.”

Mission- “Provides direct support, leadership development opportunities, and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex (LGBTQQI) and straight ally youth up to the age of 25.”

Windwood Family Farm/Windwood Family Services
Mission- “Providing help, hope, and healing through behavioral, educational, and therapeutic interventions which enhance social functioning and well-being, ensures safety, and works to achieve positive permanency for children and families in our community.”

Mission- “Protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.”

“Introduces visitors to the earliest colonial history of Charleston. Interact with hands-on exhibits in the visitor center, talk to knowledgeable staff members, and take an audio tour on the self-guided history trail.”

Charleston Horticultural Society
Mission- “Seeks to inspire excellence in Lowcountry horticulture.”

Mission- “To inspire the people of Charleston to connect with their parks and together create stunning public spaces and a strong community.”

Mission- “Is a community-based volunteer organization that integrates school farms as outdoor classrooms in an effort to teach students the virtues of hard work, respect and success, and to reiterate classroom curriculum while connecting students and volunteers to fresh, healthy, locally grown produce.”

Mission- “Produce and products must be regionally grown, locally made, or hold a sustainable theme.”

Johnson Family Farms- East Cooper Land Trust
“Providing our customers with meals and vegetables of the highest quality that are produced in a very sustainable and environmentally-safe way.”

Mission- “Is a committed group of community leaders, appointed by former Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr., to take the lead in keeping the City of Charleston clean and beautiful.”

Mission- “Is to inspire the Lowcountry’s young people to reach their full potential through boatbuilding and exploring maritime culture.”

Medway Park and Community Garden
“The garden will feature 50-60 individual beds for lease, 8 to 12 community beds, garden pavilion/storage, water sources, educational classes, and a Community Garden Coordinator.”

Mission- “Is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.”

South Carolina Oyster Restoration and Enhancement (SCORE)
Mission- “Is a community-based habitat restoration and monitoring program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.”

Mission- “To assist the City of Charleston’s Horticultural Department to maintain and preserve historic Hampton Park.”

Mission- “Is to provide free, fresh, naturally grown, local produce to charitable food distribution agencies on Johns Island and Wadmalaw Island, SC.”

Health & Special Needs:
Mission- “Provides comprehensive end-of-life care to individuals and their families in a compassionate, faith-based, and dignified environment.”

Mission- “Is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.”

Mission- “Is to create a world free of heart disease and stroke- a world where everyone can achieve the best possible health- and it starts right here in the Lowcountry.”

Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired SC
Mission- “Is to enrich the quality of life of the blind and visually impaired.”

Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic
Mission- “To understand and serve the health and wellness needs of the uninsured, low-income adults who live or work on Johns, James & Wadmalaw Island or Folly Beach.”

Mission- “Is to offer support and encouragement to children diagnosed with cancer and their families by providing cost free year-round programs, special events and access to crisis resources.”

Mission- “Provides fun, life changing experiences to children with serious illnesses, life challenges, and disabilities.”

Mission-” Providing a life-changing experience for children and adults with mental and physical challenges through a community supported baseball league.”

City of Charleston Recreation Department (Unified Sports)
“Inclusive sports programs that combine an approximately equal number of Special Olympics athletes and partners (without intellectual disabilities) on teams for training and competition.”

Down Syndrome Association of the Lowcountry
Mission- “To provide support to new parents, enrich lives through art, athletic, and educational opportunities and events, to increase community awareness of Down Syndrome, to enhance employment opportunities for people with Down Syndrome, and to improve education for students with Down Syndrome.”

Mission- “Promoting Physical & Mental Wellness Among Cancer Survivors and Their Community Through Dragon Boating.”

Mission- ” To provide hope and opportunity to people with disabilities and their families, while teaching the community to do the same.”

“Brings together 120 physicians and scientists who are driving the discoveries that will lead to tomorrow’s treatments.”

“This comprehensive program is designed for teens and young adults with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as other mild neurodevelopmental disabilities.”

Mission- “To create play opportunities for people of ALL abilities.”

Mission- “We believe that when a child is in time of greatest need, families, and communities can come together to create solutions, ultimately changing a child’s life forever.”

Mission- “Healing all people with compassion, faith and excellence, we will provide you and your loved ones physical, emotional and spiritual comfort.”

“Develop individual care plans to meet the needs of each resident. “

Somerby Senior Living- Mt.Pleasant, SC
“Combines a culture and environment conductive to healthy living.”

Mission- “Is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.”

Housing & Food Security:
East Cooper Habitat for Humanity
Mission- “Seeking to put God’s love into action, East Cooper Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.”

Mission- “Serve nutritious meals to all homebound residents East of the Cooper, regardless of age or income.”

Mission- “Provides basic hygiene necessities to those who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability.”

“443 Unit affordable housing community in Charleston, SC.”

Mission-“Is used to assisting homeless individuals and families in their transition to permanent housing through service providers in Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Summerville, and North Charleston for certain expenses.”

Mission- “Provide meals to hungry kids in our community while giving kid volunteers a chance to change their world.”

Mission- “To lead the fight against hunger in our community. With the guiding principles of Feed. Advocate. Empower., the LCFB is committed to alleviating hunger across coastal South Carolina, particularly in high- need, underserved rural areas; increasing public awareness of the invisible problem of hunger and advocating at the local, state, and federal levels on behalf of those at risk of hunger; and empowering people to make healthy and nutritious food choices.”

Mission- “To improve the lives of residents of Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester Counties by partnering with the tri-county communities for distribution of essential home furnishings to displaced or homeless individuals who secure housing.”

Mission- “Ends and prevents homelessness one person at a time, one family at a time.”

Sea Island Habitat for Humanity
Mission-“Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings together to build homes, communities, and hope.”

Mission-“To honor God by developing, implementing, and sharing best-in class safe water solutions that transform as many lives as possible, as quickly as possible.”

Protection & Advocacy:
Mission- “To provide services and resources to empower victims and their children of domestic violence to live free from abuse.”

Mission- “Is to prevent sexual violence and its consequences, and to provide essential services to victims and survivors.”

Friends of the Fischer House Charleston
Mission- “To provide temporary accommodations to Veterans and their families while the veteran is receiving medical attention at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, SC.”

“Pet provides the Veteran with unconditional love and support, easing stress, depression, loneliness and anxiety.”

Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center
Mission- “Is to improve the health of the veteran population by providing primary, specialty, and extended care and related social support services through an integrated healthcare delivery system.”

Mission- “Provides aid and comfort to the men and women of the United States Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, their families and a growing veteran population.”

Vision- “Without stigma and barriers, veterans can transition into civilian life as healthy and successful members of society.”

“Built to serve the Veterans of South Carolina.”

Mission- “Is committed to promoting physical and mental wellness for Veterans and their families through adaptive surf therapy.”

Special Events:
American Cancer Society Relay for Life- Florence
Mission- “Is to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer.”

Mission- “Providing monetary relief to Folly Beach locals with cancer and other medical issues as funds are available.”

Gavalas Kolanko Foundation (Charleston James Island Connector Run)
Mission- “Strives to assist college students with physical disabilities with their secondary educational costs and to increase support and awareness of their needs.”

Mission- “Is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.”

Mission- “Save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.”