The Citadel’s Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics is proud to bring together speakers from academia, public service, the military, and private industry to share their experience and wisdom with cadets, faculty, staff, alumni and guests of the college. For thirteen years, this tradition was centered around a single event, the annual Principled Leadership Symposium. Going forward, we are launching The Citadel’s “Leadership on Demand” speaker series. This new format will broaden our net of showcasing speakers of the highest quality allowing The Citadel community to browse and enjoy video and audio at any time on major video and podcasting platforms.

Leadership On Demand Podcast

Leadership On Demand:
Col Gordon – Commandant of Cadets
Col Gordon addresses men and women of character, the sophomore shuffle, and the balance of training leaders and allowing them to fail in the process at The Citadel.

Leadership On Demand:
Sergeant Major Yagle
SgtMaj Andrew Yagle discusses the challenges of sophomore year, what cadets must demand of themselves, and how TAC officers and NCO balance mentorship with opportunities for learning through failure.

Leadership On Demand:
Chaplain Meadows
Chaplain Meadows tackles cadet brokenness and the role the chaplaincy plays at The Citadel in secular and religious strategies to build up Principled Leaders.