The Honor Committee is responsible for enforcing the Honor Code, administering the Cadet Honor System, and upholding The Citadel’s proud tradition of honor. The Honor Committee consists of respected cadet leaders who are elected by their peers based upon their strong personal character, integrity, and moral courage. Members of the Honor Committee are responsible for educating and training cadets, members of the Citadel faculty and staff, and coaches about the Cadet Honor System’s organizations, rules, and procedures. Members of the Honor Committee also have the solemn responsibility of doing their duty and holding their fellow cadets accountable whenever they fail to maintain the high standard of honor expected of all Citadel cadets. Finally, members of the Honor Committee are expected to demonstrate honorable behavior at all times and set the example for others to emulate. By their stalwart commitment to promoting honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness, respect, and accountability, the Honor Committee demonstrates Principled Leadership and maintains the proud and honorable reputation of The Citadel, the South Carolina Corps of Cadets, and Citadel alumni everywhere.
Committee Structure
Comprised of 70 Honor Representatives:
• Five Officers:
1. Chair,
2. Vice-Chair for Education (VCE)
3. Vice-Chair for Operations (VCO)
4. Vice-Chair for Investigations (VCI)
5. Vice-Chair for Defense (VCD)
• Battalion Honor Reps: one per battalion
• Company Honor Reps: two per company
• Athletic Team Honor Reps: one per NCAA team
• Members at Large: as required

Duties of Honor Representatives:
• Help cadets make honorable decisions
• Educate and train cadets, faculty, and staff members about the Cadet Honor System
• Be prepared to serve as members of the Honor Court
• Try all cases that involve possible violations of the Honor Code